Congratulations on Purchasing the Film School Secrets Introductory Course!
The course files are available by clicking here.
Make sure to fill in your Name and Email below so you can receive exclusive updates and information:
If you do not have Winzip already, you can download it here for free. When you open the file, you will see a list of HTML pages with the same names as the pages on the site that you are used to (i.e. Module 1, Module 2, etc.) simply open up those files and you will get access to the pages just as you used to.
If you have any problems with this email us at
NOTE: CHROME is the best browser to view these files with.
Want to Take Your Filmmaking to the Next Level?
When you’ve gone through Film School Secrets, Get Ready for the Advanced Course: Film School Solution.
Our 3-6 Month In Depth Coaching Course, where we go even further. (Some students take 3 months, others take up to 6, depending on your schedule. You work at your own pace). Our exclusive approach builds your Writing, Technical, and Business Skills and supports you through the Writing, Shooting, and Promotion of Your First Feature.
We cover:
- Advanced Audience Engagment
- Creating Loveable Characters
- Mastering Tension So Your Audience Will Be Dying to See What Happens Next
- Writing Great Dialogue
- Over 50 Exercises to Hone Your Visual Storytelling Skills
- Cinematic Videography on a Budget
- Motivated Camera Movement
- Directing Actors – Screen vs. Stage
- Step by Step Guidance to Writing Your First Feature
- How to Lead a Team and Inspire People to Work With You
- In Depth Marketing Training to Promote Your Movie
- How to Leverage Your Feature, Find Investors and Actually Have Them Write You a Check.
- And much, much more.
- But, beyond that, you get…
Personal Coaching and Support
As a Film School Solution Student, you have my personal support and mentorship for the duration of the course, and even afterwards. I provide feedback for all your film exercises, helping you develop you feature scripts, guide you during your your production, and offer your guidance on your marketing campaign.
Click here for a Preview of the Members Area.
As a student of Film School Secrets, your tuition is reduced by $97 to $3400, and you bypass the Application process.
To learn more about Film School Solution and how you can register when you are ready, make sure to fill out your name and email address below: