For the past 2 years, I delighted in sharing no BS insights into the film business in a small course called “Film School Secrets”. My team and I helped hundreds of students from around the world get on real film sets and begin planing their careers in a practical, powerful way.
However, I realized that while the course was superior to what is taught in film schools, it still wasn’t enough. That’s why I took the course down in November of last year, and began creating our new program “Film School Solution”.
The new course is a step by step coaching program designed to help aspiring filmmakers become great visual storytellers, and learn insider tricks to make their movies look cinematic even with inexpensive equipment. But more importantly, it provides detailed training and support on writing and producing a feature film, and then promoting and distributing it directly to a fan base.
When I say detailed, I mean detailed. There are over 50 exercises in the first month alone to help students make movies that people actually want to watch. And there is in depth marketing training that you’d expect to find in an MBA program.
In addition, the course includes weekly coaching and support. Not only during the course, but after. This is something that is sorely needed and missed from traditional film schools. Typically a student goes through an expensive program and looks up after graduation with no clear path on what the heck to do next.
The outcome of the course is to have every student write, produce, and promote their first feature film, even if they have no previous experience. It takes a ton of commitment, but we show you how it can be easier than you think.
While I have focused nearly 6 month of development into the new course, I have continually received emails from people looking for the original “Film School Secrets”. And I finally decided to re-issue it, at least temporarily. Because the original course, while small by comparison to our new course, still provides an incredibly powerful overview to your film career. It’s what I’d call a “primer” towards our new course, and it’s a great value for people who aren’t ready to to make the commitment for Film School Solution.