When we went to film school in the 1990s, there was still an excuse; it was hard to crack the film business and even get your hands on film equipment. Nowadays, it’s ridiculous. HD cameras and the internet have launched more careers than any film school in existence.
Film School Secrets begs the question of film schools: how stupid do you have to be to pay $30,000 a year to use equipment you could buy for $3,000 or rent for $100 a day? How deluded do you have to be to imagine that a certificate of completion or degree from one of these film schools makes a lick of difference in the film world?
Imagine Ari Gold bowing down and listening to a grad from one of these film schools. Ain’t happening, baby.
Now before you accuse us of naysaying and being negative, hear this: we know, because we were dumb enough to do this ourselves. We are film school alumni. We loved our film schools in the same way you love that guy that mugged you for teaching you a valuable lesson about self defense. We walked the walk so we talk the talk, to anyone who will listen. Which is sadly not too many people.
We hate to say this, but it’s true: most aspiring filmmakers are too pretentious to listen to our logical advice. Which is this: to get ahead in the film business, you need to understand how it works as a business. In 2015 it’s never been easier or more possible to have a career making movies. And never in history have so many people been spending a small fortune to learn the same stuff you could learn yourself in a couple of days.
Film Schools: The Nasty Truth Revealed
Check out film school alumni success tories: pretty slim pickins. All of NYU and USC’s big names are from back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. You haven’t heard of anyone who went to the Art Institutes, Full Sail, or NYFA making it big. Even so, for every one student who gets a good job or makes a headline, there are thousands more who are saddled with debt, drop out of the industry, or have no clue how to get started on their career. We double dog dare you to show us any film school grad that warrants the insane cost of these schools.
But unfortunately, even though all the evidence is pointed against it, film schools have become a thriving money making machine. Many film schools bank over $50 million last year. It’s a gold mine. Sadly, most aspiring filmmakers would rather spend $100K to sit in a classroom and play with a Macbook than hear the truth. And they usually end up using that $100K degree to get a job picking up coffee or dry cleaning for someone else.
That’s the Bad News. The Good News Is That You Can Work on Film Sets & Make Movies Much Smarter, Faster, & Easier Than Going to Any of These Film Schools
If you have an inkling of ambition to really work in the film business and are not completely brain dead, then go ahead and check out Film School Secrets. We will show you stuff that is smarter, stealthier, and just plain better than going to school. Many people may laugh at what we say is possible, but those same tools haven’t actually been to film school or spent a day on a film set, had a pitch meeting, gaffed, gripped, directed, or produced a thing in the biz.
We’ll show you how to get on student film sets for free, and have USC and NYU and Full Sail film grads working for you for free, as well as how to start getting on pro film sets while your film school buddies are sitting in a lecture hall listening to guys who haven’t made a movie in 20 years. Click Here to Learn More About Film School Secrets, the best kept secret in the film business and get the real deal about film schools….