Do You Know the Truth About the Film Biz?

99 out of 100 people don’t want to hear the truth about the film business and film schools. They’d rather buy into the pipe dream that getting a degree and making some student shorts will get you “connected” and start your career. That just isn’t how it works. At Film School Secrets, we won’t BS about a multi million dollar directing contract or seeing your name in lights. What we do promise you direct, no bullshit information that will be useful as you begin a filmmaking career.

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All Testimonials are Verifiable. I can put you in touch with any of my students below.  

Film School Secrets

Which Would You Rather Have on Your Reel?

These are a couple of projects shot by people who skipped film school altogether and just started making their own stuff. First, a music video shot by 18 Year Old Ricardo Casco, who taught himself lighting, shooting, and digital video design. His very first music video shot on his own equipment:

This is a trailer for the documentary “Never Sleep Again” about the Nightmare on Elm Street Series. The DP was then 20 year old Buz Wallick, who we interview in depth inside the side. (This clip is narrated by Heather Langenkamp, “Nancy” from the original “Nightmare on Elm Street”). Buz has been on pro film sets since he was 15 years old.

And this is a black and white non synch sound student at NYU (one of the “top” film schools)for $42,000 in tuition in late 2011.

It’s your call. You can either start making your own professional looking projects right now or spend a fortune making pretentious black and white shorts with no dialog in your dorm room.

In Film School Secrets, here’s what you get:

  • “Film Fooled” ebook, currently selling for $49.95 at and on Amazon.
  • The first step for many young filmmakers is simply to understand the reasons why film schools are a bad investment. The pressure to attend school can be very intense, and people still have a belief that film school will give you an advantage in the business, which is false. Film Fooled is a detailed, class by class dollar for dollar account of the NYU Undergraduate Film Curriculum, (which has not been updated in over 10 years). You will learn detailed information about the Professors, the School, post-graduate support, including screenshots of emails, the NYU job list serve, life in the business, and more. This book alone can save you $30,000 to $160,000 in wasted tuition . The principles can be applied to any film schools, to help you understand why school doesn’t make sense if you’re serious about the business.

Listen to what Cary Solomon, 20 year veteran of the business and repped by ICM and William Morris, praises Film School Secrets. Click below to hear Cary Solomon’s Exclusive Quote:

More Praise for Film School Secrets

“Lights, Camera, Read On!” This gem is a riot in the best sense of the word – hilarious, serious, insightful, searing, and unabashedly honest. For anyone who’s considering film schools, or considering sending a child to film schools, this is a must-read. For everyone else on the planet, this is still a great read. I can’t wait to see the film version!” – Shirley Vernick, writer Cosmopolitan, McCall’s

“This is the best advice ever” – Ramoine Malone, Michigan

“Am loving the site. I actually just started film school and a lot of your criticism is spot-on. I’m trying to use the advice on your site, along with the resources of the school, to maximize the time I spend here. Great content.”- Josh, UK

“This is probably the best advice I’ve heard in a long time as an aspiring film maker. I’m so glad I happen to stumble upon this website. Thank you so much Seth.” – Luis C. Esmurria

“I like your explanation, practical and to the point, so it’s very much appreciated. You’ve helped me think of many possibilities I hadn’t thought of before. It’s actually fun to listen to, and I like your detailed references. Thanks!” – Tom van de Waal, Netherlands

“Lots of great information here. I’ve already been contacted by a filmmaker in the area” – L.W., Nevada

“HEY! Just wanted to say that your program is fantastic.” – S.G, Minnesota”

“Hey, Seth. Thanks for all the information you’re providing. I’ve learned more in 1 week than I have in 1 month going to film school.” – M.M., Florida

“Wow, Lots of great informaiton. Will watch this module many times. Thanks.” – T.F., Texas

The meat of Film School Secrets is our 8 Part Course that covers topics about film schools you will not hear discussed anywhere else. All film schools and filmmaking courses talk about the same, basic short filmmaking techniques you could find on Youtube…that’s not what were talking about. These are the important, practical, life or death for your career questions every film school grad has that they don’t learn about in film schools.

Get Started Without Expensive Film Schools

Film School Secrets Video Course Film School Secretsconsists of 8 Modules, each designed to give you information we wish we’d had when we enrolled in film schools.

  • Mod 1: The Big Picture. An overview of the film business, how film students and grads of film schools are viewed in the business, why grads of film schools aren’t taken seriously and how you can be taken seriously without film schools.
  • Mod 2: Get on Set: The only way to build a career in the film business is to start working! We show you how to get on pro film sets no matter where you live in the world, how to network with pro filmmakers, get valuable hands on experience without paying a thing (versus those guys at NYFA paying $30,000 a year to crew). We’ll also show you how to get on student film sets from some of the most prestigious film schools… for free! Learn how to have NYU, USC, NYFA students literally beg for your help! Work right alongside them without paying a penny of tuition. HOW TO GET HIRED WITHOUT FILM SCHOOL, HOW TO WRITE YOUR RESUME AND BUILD IT THE RIGHT WAY….We include something they should have at every film school: A Professional Resume Template to present yourself the right way to Production Managers and people in the biz…
  • Mod 3: Cameras & Tech Stuff. 15 Minute Film School. Why most pro filmmakers learned everything they need to know about filmmaking in under an hour, basics of lighting, sound, shot composition, cam movement, the best camera to buy… and more…
  • Mod 4: The Screenplay: Better guidance on screenwriting than is available in any film school. (Getting a Degree in Screenwriting is more worthless than tits on a bull). There is one book everyone in the business uses as a guide to writing a good script, and it isn’t a textbook or something you study about in school. We tell you what book it is and hook you up with working filmmakers and NYU Film Grads in the biz who offer screenwriting classes and critiques for about 10% the cost of a class in film schools.
  • Mod 5: Hire and Command. How to direct your own set for less than books at film school. The smart way to learn directing, learn how to work with pro filmmakers, get your own pro demo reel shot for less than a pencil at film school! Also how to hire film school students to work for you for free or next to nothing!
  • Mod 6: Local Movie Method. Why shooting a movie in your hometown is easier and more cost effective than coming to LA. Tips and tricks on saving money, getting free crew help, and how you can shoot your movie for less than a down payment on a car.
  • Mod 7: Production basics: While your friends are paying $4,000 for a class on Producing in film schools, learn the basic, simple nuts and bolts of how a production works, what a producer does, and why you don’t need to know anything technical or own a piece of equipment to be a filmmaker!
  • Mod 8: Distribution: The Internet has leveled the film industry. Learn how using online marketing methods and resources can help you build an audience without every having to beg for an audience with a Hollywood Exec. Digital distribution is the future of filmmaking and any new filmmaker must learn about it to be competitive in the future.
  • Interviews with working filmmakers in Los Angeles. This includes Buz Wallick, Evan Mastezos, Nate Golon, and others who are actually making their own projects, meeting with agents, shopping scripts, and working in the business. You get powerful, real world advice on what to actually do to start your filmmaking career from young people who are doing it, not teaching it in school. Most of our interviewees give their email addresses and allow our students to contact them directly with questions and advice.

That’s over 2 hours of video and many practical documents. But it’s not designed to just give you a lot of useless random information; each module is designed to build on the others and give you a route, a plan, a real direction to take if you want to be a director or work in the film business.
Film School Secrets is not for everyone, only people who are serious about working in the film business and/or making their own movies.

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